Senin, 01 Januari 2018

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1. Rudi greet Ben and asked his condition.

2. Ben said to Rudi that Rudi look great in that black jacket.

3. Rudi asked why Ben say that.

4. Ben asked whether that jacket is new because Ben never seen Rudi in that outfit.

5. Rudi answered Ben's question that his sister bought it for him when she went to Singapore.

6. Ben said that he understood.

7. Rudi asked where did Ben have a haircut because Rudi likes Ben new hair styles.

8. Ben answered that his brother did his haircut and Ben will ask his brother if  Rudi wanted the same haircut.

9. Rudi Agreed what Ben offered and Rudi noticed that Andi is coming.

10. Ben said that he heard Andi won the speech contest last month and also Ben congratulate Andi.

11. Rudi praised Andi that Andi was fantastic and he did a great job.

12. Andi thanked to Ben and Rudi for their praises.

From "Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2016" page 28

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